How to Help an Alcoholic Supporting A Friend or Loved One

how to support an alcoholic

When your loved one swears to you and to themselves that they will never touch another drop of alcohol, you might believe them. Protect your children, and don’t hesitate to keep them away from someone who drinks and does not respect your boundaries. Growing up in a home where alcohol use is common, can leave lasting scars. You do not have to put up with unacceptable behavior in your life.

Ready to make a change?

AUD is a serious condition where someone is unable to control their use and consumption of alcohol. AUD is different to binge and problem drinking as it is an addiction and is a formal diagnosis that experts base on a set of symptoms. Staging an intervention involves a doctor or an intervention specialist approaching the person along with family and friends. The help and support from partners, relatives, and friends are invaluable to a person with AUD. However, it is crucial that an individual with AUD receives professional medical help, as well.

Encourage Healthy Habits

how to support an alcoholic

Today, into the fourth year of my sobriety and working as a sober, curious guide, I am still sometimes struck by how stark the gap between our beliefs and reality can be when it comes to alcohol. However, the good news is that within that gap also lies the key to weakening our desire to drink. Even among those who don’t drink heavily, some will experience diarrhea and cramping. Most people receive support to stop drinking and recovery support in the community. If you have become dependent on alcohol, you will have found it difficult to fully control your drinking in some way. A support group such as Al-Anon Family Groups may also be a helpful source of support when you have someone in your life with a drinking problem.

Alcohol use disorder

It is important that as you try to help your loved one, you also find a way to take care of yourself. It may help to seek support from others, including friends, family, community, and support groups. If you are developing your own symptoms of depression or anxiety, think about seeking professional help for yourself.

Don’t Hold Unreasonable Expectations For Them

Relapses and setbacks are common throughout the recovery process. Try to be compassionate and understanding when these things happen. Over time, they will begin to learn how to deal with these obstacles without having to use alcohol as a coping mechanism. Being empathetic may help them through the process more effectively. Cognitive–behavioral therapy can take place one-on-one with a therapist or in small groups.

  1. This guide is written for individuals, and their family and friends, who are looking for options to address alcohol problems.
  2. They may have problems controlling their drinking habits or choose to keep drinking even though it causes problems.
  3. Tell your loved one that you’re worried they’re drinking too much, and let them know you want to be supportive.
  4. If family members try to “help” by covering up for their drinking and making excuses for them, they are playing right into their loved one’s denial game.

Watching a friend or family member suffer from alcoholism is deeply distressing and frustrating. To help the person stop drinking, you’ll need to confront them and try to support them as they get help. Tell them that you’re worried, that you care about them, and that you want them to get help. If the person is open to getting help, offer to put them in touch with a professional. If the person refuses to seek treatment, consider consulting with a therapist, who can help you create a plan for treatment. To learn how to take care of yourself when you’re trying to help the alcoholic in your life, keep reading.

Facing life head-on can be difficult for people who have been using alcohol to avoid it. This is especially true if, over time, someone has made many mistakes that have affected their quality of life. We must remember that the person we know is facing a whole new set of challenges.

how to support an alcoholic

ETFs can provide investors with quick, cost-effective diversification. Instead of buying several individual stocks, you can save yourself some time and energy by putting your money into ETFs that provide exposure to an entire index, for example the S&P 500. The downside of individual stock picking is that by taking this approach, you may underperform the broader markets. Another consideration is the time and energy you may need to invest in order to select companies that are a fit for your portfolio. One major appeal of picking individual stocks is that the shares you select may outperform the broader markets. In addition, choosing individual stocks gives you the opportunity to obtain partial ownership in companies that you believe in.

The type of treatment someone may need will depend on personal circumstances, such as underlying mental health issues, current alcohol use, and any previous attempts to quit. Evaluate the coverage in your health insurance plan to determine how much of the costs your insurance will cover and how much you will have to pay. Ask different programs if they offer sliding-scale fees—some programs may offer lower prices or payment plans for individuals without health insurance. The three-step road map outlined in the NIAAA Alcohol Treatment Navigator offers expert guidance to focus and support your efforts.

This absurd belief has led me to replace many meals with alcohol, thinking it’s a savvy way to cut calories. Little did I know that alcohol packs a punch with seven calories per gram, almost as much as fat. This realization is just the beginning of my questioning other beliefs I held about alcohol and the benefits I perceived it offers.

One thinks it’s like a wall, another like a snake, and another like a tree trunk, based on the part they touched. Like the blind men and the elephant, we only get a piece of reality that is just a perception. While these perceptions can lead us astray from the actual reality, they can also be changed over time based on the new information that we take in.

Before you realize it, you can find yourself in a full-blown abusive relationship. If your loved one has become addicted to alcohol, however, their brain chemistry may have changed to the point that they are completely surprised by some of the choices they make. If your loved one is truly dependent on alcohol, they are going to drink no matter what you do or say. The most important tip on how to support an alcoholic in recovery is to just be there for them. You can do this in a number of ways like introducing them to alcohol-free activities, or just listen to them when they are speaking.

Have the conversation in a place where you know you’ll have quiet and privacy. You’ll also want to avoid any interruptions so that you both have each other’s full attention. Make sure your person is not upset or preoccupied with other issues. Let the person you care for know that you’re available and that you care.

There will be continued problems that they may need help with. Another thing that you can do to help get their mind off of alcohol is to encourage them to pick up healthy habits and doing them with them. Maybe sit down with them and do a purge of their home after they get out of rehab as sort of a way to put their old life behind them.

You will need to educate yourself on alcohol addiction and the recovery process. The disease causes severe damage to multiple vital organs, including the brain, heart and liver. Over time, excessive drinking can result in co-occurring disorders, such as anxiety or depression. The challenge of this stage is to essentially develop and maintain healthy life skills that will serve you for a lifetime.

It is important to gauge whether the facility provides all the currently available, evidence-based methods or relies on one approach. You may want to learn if the program or provider offers medication and whether mental health issues are addressed together with alcohol treatment. It can be comforting to have friends and family by your side when going through treatment.

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